Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)
The SLT team provide assessment and support to students in school who have speech, language and communication difficulties and those with eating and drinking needs. This may include direct work with the students, observations in class, training, liaison with families and working closely with the class teams to ensure functional targets are incorporated across daily routines and the curriculum.
SLT at Clifton Hill School is provided by Surrey County Council.
Occupational Therapy
The school has engaged an experienced Paediatric Occupational Therapist, who has worked in a wide variety of settings with a range of children and young people with complex medical, physical and cognitive needs. The focus of Occupational Therapy Program at Clifton Hill School aims to facilitate the development of the students’ independence and functional skills through supporting and advising educational staff and working in partnership with carers.
The First Community Health and Care Physiotherapy Team at Clifton Hill School work closely with teaching staff to provide guidance and support on physical activities and exercise programmes to optimise each student’s physical potential. The aim is always to develop and maintain mobility skills, joint range of movement, muscle strength, and motor skills where able. We review each child’s needs, both on land and in hydrotherapy where appropriate, and modify therapy programmes accordingly.
We liaise with nursing staff and other key health care professionals to ensure students with complex physical needs and those recovering from surgery, illness and injury meet their rehabilitation goals through effective, coordinated care.
The school nursing team consists of one full time RGN and one part time RGN plus two assistant practitioners who job share. The team work as an integral part of the school community working in partnership with pupils, parents, carers and teaching staff.
The aim of the school nursing team is to ensure the health needs of the students are met so they can reach their full potential whilst at school regardless of the complexity of their needs.
We carry out initial assessments on all students prior to them starting at school, identifying their health needs then providing comprehensive training to school staff to support them. This can include Epilepsy, enteral feeding, oxygen administration, suctioning, asthma, catheterisation and anaphylaxis, medication administration, tracheostomy care and ventilation. Each young person with an identified health need will have an individualised care plan.
The nursing team work in partnership with other agencies including GPs, speech and language therapists, community and hospital consultants, community children’s nurses, dietitians respite facilities, physiotherapists and occupational therapists and social care. We can signpost and refer to other services if required
The assistant practitioners can provide continence advice and can carry out assessment of continence wear. The school actively supports toilet training.
The Registered nurses act as the lead professionals for the young person by attending meetings that can include Safeguarding, Child In Need, Annual Educational reviews, contributing to EHCPs and supporting transition to post 19 services.
Within the school we carry out health promotion and promoting positive healthy choices .We are a healthy school and committed to healthy eating and promoting exercise for all.
As a team we are committed to providing holistic care for all our young people so they can access education.
All school therapy teams can be contacted by telephoning the school, or email to: info@clifton-hill.surrey.sch.uk
Drawing and Talking Therapy
Clifton Hill has own own trained Drawing and Talking therapist who works with young people from across the school. Drawing and Talking is a person-centred therapy focusing on prevention, early intervention and recovery. It is a programme designed for working with children, young people or adults who may be suffering from poor mental health and well-being.
Drawing and Talking provides a highly effective person-centred therapeutic play work approach. The purpose of the method is to draw with a person who with whom they feel comfortable at the same time each week. The trusted person will learn to ask a number of non-intrusive questions
Hydrotherapy is a therapeutic whole-body treatment that involves moving and exercising in water; essentially physiotherapy in a pool. Our Hydrotherapy pool offers an alternative venue for curriculum delivery. Hydrotherapy provides an opportunity for our students to gain physical confidence and skills, which they may not have out of the water, as well as providing a specifically designed therapeutic environment.
Students whose abilities are more suited to a more conventional swimming lesson visit local public pools. This helps to develop their experience as members of the local community and keeps their worlds wide.